What do the South African government officials who hired the "fake" sign language interpreter for Nelson Mandela's memorial have in common with U.S. military commands charged with contracting communication firms for information operations (IO) and strategic communication efforts? Apparently, hiring people without the necessary expertise because they have no background in the area. According to a fascinating report by the Strategic Studies Institute of the U.S. … [Read more...]
Archives for December 2013
Parallels with ‘Fake’ Mandela Signer Hiring Problem?
December 14, 2013 by Monica
Filed Under: Relief & Development, Strategy Tagged With: afghanistan, information operations, MISO, steve tatham, strategic communications
Visualizing the Disruptive Power of ICTs
December 6, 2013 by Monica
Here's a graphic showing why information and communications technologies (ICTs) represent the power to influence behavior and affect large-scale change at a reasonable price for the first time. The graphic's four cells show how ICTs represent a disruptive technological shift to public communications: Cell 1: Until recently, most traditional advertising and public communications campaigns used the approach shown in Cell 1. Because stakeholder groups were … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Technology Tagged With: campaigns, crowdsourcing, ICTs, mobile, social media, swarm, web 2.0